Dark Matter 213 Review

Dark Matter 213 Review: The Final Countdown

Whoa ... Did you just see that?!  I'm asking because I want to make sure I saw that!  Dark Matter just served up the mother of all cliffhangers.  This one didn't just make my jaw hit the floor, it stole my car keys and drove itself off a damned cliff. Okay, give me a minute…Read more Dark Matter 213 Review: The Final Countdown

Dark Matter 212 Review

Dark Matter 212 Review: Game of Throne

Holy crap sandwiches on a stick!  Who else completely lost their butts watching this episode?  Okay, maybe I had a little too much caffeine, but you gotta admit that was one hell of a ride.  And one hell of an ending, even by Dark Matter standards.  I think doubly so because it was a season-finale-worthy…Read more Dark Matter 212 Review: Game of Throne

Dark Matter 211 Review

Dark Matter 211 Review: Here’s Looking At You, Kid

Tonight we were graced with an episode that tugged at our emotions in ways we didn’t expect.  The main focus was on what happens between Three and Five.  It absolutely cemented my love for Three and Anthony Lemke’s outstanding performance was a big part of why. This was a multi-tissue episode.  It was also a…Read more Dark Matter 211 Review: Here’s Looking At You, Kid

Dark Matter 210 Review

Dark Matter 210 Review: It’s All In Your Head

This episode was informative, but not quite as dynamic as the last couple.  Everything took place aboard the Raza and there weren't any space battles.  That didn't mean it was any less enjoyable than previous episodes, just that it had a more introspective tone, which was the kind of episode we needed about now. Here's…Read more Dark Matter 210 Review: It’s All In Your Head